We launched the 1st phase of our Solar PV Farm which now covers 22% of our electricity needs, moving us one step closer to achieving our 2040 Carbon Neutrality target.

In line with our Digital Transformation strategy, we have scaled up investment in emerging digital technologies such as Al, RPA & API and laid the foundations to become a SMART factory.

Being a 100% Mauritian company, we felt that it was our duty to contribute fighting against COVID-19. In this context, RT Knits had shifted its production lines to manufacture face masks for the population.

In order to improve our work environment, we started investing in intelligent automation technologies. In October 2019, we inaugurated our automated garment conveyor that allows us to be more efficient and productive resulting in increasing our production capacity.

Eco Olympic was a competition to incite RT employees to adopt a pro-environmental behaviour revolving around our main areas of focus for sustainable manufacturing: Water conservation, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energies, Awareness and Waste Management. Eight best ideas were selected and 10 months were granted for implementation. Substantial positive changes were observed in employee behaviour with regard to environmental protection.

We have centralised all our activities to one location that has boosted our reactivity and agility towards our customers for optimum service. We had also formulated our long-term environmental strategy.

Engaging the cross departmental collaboration, we have set our target for Mission 2020 to provide the direction of the company and inspire our employees.

Following the merger, the new team aspired together to achieve something meaningful for the future. For the first time, we collectively identified the goals of the company and defined our vision ‘We change the image of textile’.

Our first-ever, environment week was held from 1st to 5th June 2009 whereby all employees were involved in a myriad of activities.

Richfield Tang Knits Ltd which later became RT Knits Ltd, shifted to its newly constructed production site at La Tour Koenig with emphasis on renewable energies.

The above visionary and entrepreneurial spirit of the founding fathers was relayed to the next generation where in 2005, Tang Knitwear and Richfield Textiles Ltd partnered to give birth to Richfield Tang Knits Ltd.

In 1994, Mr. Philippe Li Wan Po took a daring leap and invested in Richfield Textiles Ltd at Terre Rouge, whilst the textile sector was facing a challenging period and many foreign investors were leaving the country. Initially the company produced fabric mainly, and then expanded vertically into garment making.

In 1983, Tang Knitwear was launched to start production of T-shirts at Beau Bassin. Before this, Mauritius Knitwear Manufacturing (also known as Coco) was dedicated to manufacture garments for the local market.

Resultant Co Ltd was founded on 10th July 1970 in Plaine Lauzun by late Mr. Tang Wing Hau who left his native country (Hong Kong) and embarked on an avant-garde venture to invest in Mauritius. The start of this adventure was inspired following a press advert for the proposal to launch the Export Sector in post-Independence Mauritius. The EPZ act was officialised later that year on 3rd November 1970. Resultant’s main production was industrial gloves.